This is our updated map for the Statewide Swimsuit and Towel Drive. The green counties have been completed - all requests filled. The blue counties did not request swimsuits and towels, and the white counties show the number of requests that still need to be filled. We need to finish them so that we can get the packages to the kids before the start of summer. PLEASE HELP US! You can donate online ( or send a check or send swimsuits and towels. It's amazing what God has done this Spring to provide for 2, 481 kids so far. We have 930 left. It sounds like a lot - but look at how many counties have only a few left. If you can, sponsor the remainder of a county. I'm taking one of those that have 5 left. Can you do that too? Here's what we want the children to get out of this project:
1) That they have a Heavenly Father who loves them and has a plan for their lives. (The card we put in each package has a message from us and Jer. 29:11)
2) That people in their community care about them.
3) That they are special and deserve nice things just like any other child. (Which is why we are embroidering their name on their towel.)

I came across a
website yesterday that has an excellent prayer guide for Foster Care Awareness Month. It encourages you to have a prayer vigil to address the growing and long-lasting needs of children in foster care. Obviously this is something near and dear to my heart, but I believe it should be for ALL Christians. Take a look at it and be humbled by the easy life you lead compared to those children whose lives are affected by abuse and neglect. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27 That's the command - how will you show your obedience?
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