Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Last night I went to Bible study at Libby's house - it was wonderful! There were only four of us, since some people had other engagements, but I enjoyed getting to know the other three and start discussing the book. Since I just got my copy yesterday, I hadn't done the homework but we had plenty to talk about anyway. It reminded me alot of the Bible study I went to in Cleveland at Sharon's house. Probably because Libby and Sharon are both sweet spirited, quiet girls who love the Lord and are so hospitable to guests. I left thanking God for my new friends and aching for quiet time with him. So I went home listening to Charles Stanley's radio broadcast (with serveral "Amens" from me), and got started reading Crazy Love!

Today my dear friend and college roommate, Jennifer, and her husband Adam are coming to visit! They live in Denver, and are nearing the end of their southeast tour - they've been visiting friends and family in Alabama and Georgia for the past month. I can't wait to see them, show them BigHouse, and go out for lunch.

God is so good to me - letting me spend time with old friends and make so many new ones so quickly!

Bible reading: I read Genesis 1 and 2 this morning and wrote down all the verbs - What God did, What God told Man to do, What Man did. Fascinating!
Pray for the world: Today I'm praying for India where a missionary friend is spreading the Gospel to Muslims.
Sacrificing my money: I'm planning to set aside money I would normally use on soft drinks to buy a share of a well through World Vision. The problem is I don't carry cash with me so I think I'll keep a tally in my little book in my purse (thanks Mom!).
Multiplying community: Getting to know my Sunday School class and church, building our BigHouse community by meeting families and volunteers.
Living outside of my context: Planning service projects in the community with our Bible study, praying about taking a mission trip overseas.