- Having interns at BigHouse is pretty much the best thing ever. They keep me company, they work hard, they are dependable and take up the slack for me on bad head days, they make me laugh, they do things I don’t love to do (clean, and embroider towels), they are my ‘legit’ friends.
- Winter is not necessary. We did just fine without it this year.
- It’s really fun to watch my team win the National Championship for college football (oh, wait…I learned that when I was 23.)
- God is not opposed to putting me through pain for my utmost good. And I’m glad.
- A headache really can last for more than a year (and counting).
- Being loved by a child is one of the most precious feelings ever.
- Being girly is fun – eye shadow, nail polish, earrings and all! Yes, these are all new to me.
- 4:00AM is not as scary as it used to be. It’s not when I would prefer to wake up, but if it happens it’s ok - God’s awake then too.
- I like to drive my car without turning on the radio. But if I do have it on, I enjoy listening to sermons.
- The park by Grandmom’s house is a wonderful retreat.
- Vacation is good for my head, most of the time.
- There is more to God than I ever imagined, and He is just who He says He is.
- I love married Sunday School classes.
- God’s not afraid of ANYTHING!
- I can do more than I think I can, but I can do nothing without Christ.
- “Blessed” translated from the Greek word makarizō means “to be declared as indwelt by God and therefore fully satisfied.”
- Double Dunker ice cream made by Turkey Hill deserves a standing ovation.
- I like prison break movies. But I never want to be in prison.
- A/C in the car is a luxury worth having.
- Meditation is a good practice.
- Discipleship relationships are rewarding on both ends.
- You know you’re a grown up when you are hiding Easter eggs instead of hunting them.
- Being useful to God has nothing to do with my activity.
- It’s ok to write in my Bible. But it will still travel in its box.
- God speaks my love language, even in discipline.