Friday, April 1, 2011

Headaches/Swimsuit Drive

Oh seem like so long ago! The headaches came back on Tuesday. The plan Dr. Maynard gave me was to try Advil, and if it persists for a week, then to call him. I took Advil Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday but it didn't seem to help, and I got nervous about rebound headaches, so I didn't take any today, even though it was worse today than the other days. Such a bummer. I was really hoping the steroids were going to get rid of them forever. The good news is I haven't panicked like I thought I would if they came back. Maybe it's because Sunday and Monday I felt like my head was waiting for a headache...not that I had one, but that it was on the verge and looking for an invitation. So I've been able to work, although today I didn't accomplish anything except laundry. It takes a lot of effort not to get discouraged. I've been hesitant to tell anyone that they're back because I know it will be disappointing to them too. And I've been hoping maybe it was just fluke, and maybe they'll go away all on their own. But it looks like I'll be calling Dr. Maynard next week. I'm really glad to be back in Opelika. I got to go to Bible study this week, and last night we went to a concert at Lakeview Baptist Church with Downhere and Rush of Fools. So much fun! Update on BigHouse swimsuit and towel drive - we've gotten 3,287 requests from across the state. That's only about half of the total number of kids in foster care - but still quite an undertaking for us! If you'd like to help us by donating a new swimsuit or beach towel, check out the website for the list of drop-off locations and the size distribution. We'll be collecting the whole month of April. If you want more information or would like to get your church involved, you can leave a comment or send us an email at