Made the Clothes Closet walkable and presentable (wish you could've seen it before, but I was too embarrassed to take a picture!)
Finished cleaning the siding on the porch
Installed the surround sound system that was donated
Installed the surround sound system that was donated
Cleaned the bathrooms
Mopped the kitchen floor
Swiffered and vacuumed the other floors
Replaced lightbulbs
Moved a computer
Swept our blacktop outside
Moved a computer
Swept our blacktop outside
Organized the sports cabinet
Scraped paint splatters off of the kitchen sink!!
And I'm sure I'm overlooking a lot...
And that was just the Auburn students. We also had highschoolers start working on the landscaping project, and guys from Southern Union's heating and air program come look at our A/C units to see about replacing them. On Friday some guys from the high school football team are coming to work and I'm already trying to come up with things for them to do!
God is so good to BigHouse - He brings exactly the right people at exactly the right time, and He is SO GOOD to me!